序号 | 协议国 | 互免签证的证件类别 | 生效日期 | 备注 |
1 | 阿尔巴尼亚 | 外交、公务护照 | 1956.08.25 | |
2 | 阿尔及利亚 | 外交、公务护照 | 2019.03.13 | |
3 | 阿富汗 | 外交护照 | 2015.07.16 | |
4 | 阿根廷 | 中方外交、公务护照;阿方外交、官员护照 | 1993.08.14 | |
5 | 阿联酋 | 外交护照 | 2012.03.21 | |
公务、公务普通护照 | 2016.01.11 | |||
普通护照 | 2018.01.16 | |||
6 | 阿曼 | 中方外交、公务护照;阿方外交、公务和特别护照 | 2010.04.16 | |
7 | 阿塞拜疆 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 1994.02.10 | |
团体旅游 | 1994.05.01 | |||
8 | 爱尔兰 | 中方外交护照、公务和公务普通护照(公务和公务普通护照限于随部长级及以上代表团出访者);爱方外交护照、官员护照(官员护照限于随部长级及以上代表团出访者) | 2015.09.23 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | |||
9 | 埃及 | 中方外交、公务护照;埃方外交、特别护照 | 2007.01.27 | |
10 | 埃塞俄比亚 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2015.12.07 | |
11 | 爱沙尼亚 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
12 | 安哥拉 | 外交、公务护照 | 2015.04.11 | |
13 | 奥地利 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
14 | 巴巴多斯 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;巴方外交、官员护照 | 2014.08.02 | |
普通护照 | 2017.06.01 | |||
15 | 巴布亚新几内亚 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;巴方外交、公务护照 | 2019.05.02 | |
16 | 巴哈马 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通、普通护照;巴方外交、官员、普通护照 | 2014.02.12 | |
17 | 巴基斯坦 | 中方外交、公务护照;巴方外交、官员护照 | 1987.08.16 | |
公务普通护照 | 1988.04.30 | |||
18 | 巴林 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;巴方外交、特别护照 | 2018.10.25 | |
19 | 巴拿马 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;巴方外交、公务护照 | 2017.10.28 | |
20 | 巴西 | 中方外交、公务护照;巴方外交、官员护照 | 2004.08.10 | |
21 | 白俄罗斯 | 外交、公务护照;团体旅游 | 1993.03.01 | |
普通护照 | 2018.8.10 | |||
22 | 保加利亚 | 外交、公务护照 | 2012.04.04 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
23 | 贝宁 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;贝方外交、公务、附有“公务证明”的普通护照 | 1993.11.06 | |
24 | 比利时 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
25 | 秘鲁 | 中方外交、公务护照;秘方外交、特别护照 | 2004.05.12 | |
26 | 冰岛 | 外交护照 | 2017.06.01 | |
27 | 博茨瓦纳 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;博方外交、公务、官员护照 | 2018.12.22 | |
28 | 波黑 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;波方外交、公务护照 | 1980.01.09 | *1 |
2017.10.04 | ||||
普通护照 | 2018.05.29 | |||
29 | 波兰 | 外交、公务护照、海员证、机组人员证件 | 1992.07.27 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
30 | 玻利维亚 | 中方外交、公务护照;玻方外交、官员护照 | 1987.11.15 | |
公务普通护照 | 2008.01.18 | |||
31 | 布基纳法索 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;布方外交、公务护照 | 2018.11.18 | |
32 | 布隆迪 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2014.11.25 | |
33 | 朝鲜 | 外交、公务护照 | 1956.10.01 | |
中方公务普通护照、朝方公务团体护照 | 1965.01.01 | |||
34 | 赤道几内亚 | 中方外交、公务护照;赤方外交、官员护照 | 2006.01.01 | |
中方公务普通护照、赤方特别公务护照 | 2017.08.06 | |||
35 | 丹麦 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
36 | 德国 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
37 | 东帝汶 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2015.06.24 | |
38 | 多哥 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2015.05.07 | |
39 | 多米尼加 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;多方外交、官员护照 | 2021.01.08 | |
40 | 多米尼克 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;多方外交、官员护照 | 2014.03.29 | |
41 | 厄瓜多尔 | 中方外交、公务护照;厄方外交、官员护照 | 1987.07.11 | |
中方公务普通护照;厄方特别护照 | 1988.12.25 | |||
普通护照 | 2016.08.18 | |||
42 | 厄立特里亚 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2015.04.15 | |
43 | 俄罗斯 | 团体旅游 | 2000.12.01 | |
外交、公务护照,随车、飞机、船执行公务的国际列车车组人员、机组人员、持海员证船员 | 2014.04.26 | |||
44 | 法国 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
45 | 斐济 | 外交、公务、公务普通、普通护照 | 2015.03.14 | |
46 | 菲律宾 | 中方外交、公务护照(限临时访问人员);菲方外交、官员护照(限临时访问人员) | 2005.02.28 | |
47 | 芬兰 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
48 | 佛得角 | 外交、公务护照 | 2015.07.11 | |
49 | 冈比亚 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;冈方外交、公务护照 | 2018.06.10 | |
50 | 刚果(布) | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2014.08.07 | |
51 | 格林纳达 | 中方外交、公务护照;格方外交、官员护照 | 2010.01.17 | |
公务普通、普通护照 | 2015.06.10 | |||
52 | 哥伦比亚 | 外交护照 | 1987.11.14 | |
中方公务护照;哥方官员护照 | 1991.11.14 | |||
53 | 哥斯达黎加 | 外交、公务护照 | 2008.01.15 | |
54 | 格鲁吉亚 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照;团体旅游 | 1994.02.03 | |
55 | 古巴 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;古方外交、公务、官员护照 | 2021.07.16 | |
56 | 圭亚那 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;圭方外交、官员护照 | 1998.08.19 | |
57 | 韩国 | 外交护照 | 2013.08.10 | |
中方公务护照; 韩方官员护照 | 2014.12.25 | |||
58 | 哈萨克斯坦 | 外交、公务护照 | 1994.02.01 | |
59 | 荷兰 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
60 | 黑山 | 外交、公务护照 | 2013.03.01 | |
61 | 加纳 | 外交、公务护照 | 2017.03.28 | |
62 | 加蓬 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2016.02.05 | |
63 | 吉布提 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2014.12.04 | |
64 | 吉尔吉斯斯坦 | 外交、公务护照 | 2003.06.14 | |
65 | 几内亚 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2017.09.16 | |
66 | 柬埔寨 | 外交、公务护照 | 2006.09.14 | |
67 | 捷克 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
68 | 津巴布韦 | 外交、公务护照 | 2014.11.12 | |
69 | 喀麦隆 | 外交、公务护照 | 2017.08.12 | |
70 | 卡塔尔 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通、普通护照;卡方外交、特别、公务、普通护照 | 2018.12.21 | |
71 | 克罗地亚 | 中方外交、公务护照;克方外交、官员护照 | 1995.04.09 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
72 | 科摩罗 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2016.02.26 | |
73 | 科特迪瓦 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2015.12.19 | |
74 | 科威特 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;科方外交、特别护照 | 2014.10.17 | |
75 | 肯尼亚 | 中方外交、公务护照;肯方外交、官员护照 | 2014.08.17 | |
76 | 拉脱维亚 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
77 | 莱索托 | 中方外交、公务护照;莱方外交、官员护照 | 2016.08.24 | |
78 | 老挝 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;老方外交、公务、加注有效公务签证的普通护照 | 1989.11.06 | |
79 | 利比里亚 | 外交护照 | 2016.02.10 | |
80 | 立陶宛 | 外交、公务护照、海员证(随船) | 1992.09.14 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
81 | 卢森堡 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
82 | 卢旺达 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;卢方外交、公务护照 | 2018.12.23 | |
83 | 罗马尼亚 | 外交、公务护照 | 1981.09.16 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
84 | 马尔代夫 | 外交、公务护照 | 1984.11.27 | |
85 | 马耳他 | 外交、公务护照 | 2008.03.06 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
86 | 马里 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2015.05.09 | |
87 | 马来西亚 | 中方外交、公务护照;马方外交、官员护照 | 2011.05.18 | |
88 | 马其顿 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;马方外交、公务、标有“公务”字样的普通护照 | 1994.07.19 | |
89 | 毛里求斯 | 外交、公务、公务普通、普通护照 | 2013.10.31 | |
90 | 毛里塔尼亚 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;毛方外交、公务护照 | 2017.05.15 | |
91 | 蒙古 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 1989.04.30 | |
92 | 孟加拉国 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;孟方外交、官员、加注“政府公务”或“免费”字样的普通护照 | 1989.12.18 | |
93 | 缅甸 | 中方外交、公务护照;缅方外交、官员护照 | 1998.03.05 | |
94 | 摩尔多瓦 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;摩方外交、公务、加注“公务”字样的普通护照;团体旅游 | 1993.01.01 | |
95 | 摩洛哥 | 外交、公务护照 | 2014.03.06 | |
中方公务普通、摩方特别护照 | 2016.06.09 | |||
96 | 莫桑比克 | 外交、公务护照 | 2016.05.14 | |
97 | 墨西哥 | 中方外交、公务护照;墨方外交、官员护照 | 1998.01.01 | |
98 | 南非 | 外交护照 | 2010.11.27 | |
公务护照 | 2016.03.01 | |||
99 | 南苏丹 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;南方外交、特别护照 | 2019.03.28 | |
100 | 尼泊尔 | 中方外交、公务护照;尼方外交、官员护照 | 2006.10.16 | |
101 | 尼日尔 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;尼方外交、公务护照 | 2018.12.15 | |
102 | 尼日利亚 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2014.02.01 | |
103 | 挪威 | 外交护照 | 2018.06.18 | |
104 | 葡萄牙 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
105 | 瑞典 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
106 | 瑞士 | 外交护照 | 2016.01.29 | |
107 | 萨摩亚 | 中方外交、公务护照;萨方外交、官员护照 | 2011.02.18 | |
108 | 塞尔维亚 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;塞方外交、公务、加注“公务”字样的普通护照 | 1980.01.09 | *1 |
普通护照 | 2017.01.15 | |||
109 | 塞拉利昂 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;塞方外交、公务护照 | 2018.12.24 | |
110 | 塞内加尔 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2014.05.03 | |
111 | 塞浦路斯 | 外交、公务护照 | 1991.10.02 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
112 | 塞舌尔 | 外交、公务、公务普通、普通护照 | 2013.06.26 | |
113 | 圣多美和普林西比 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;圣普方外交、特别公务护照 | 2018.02.03 | |
114 | 圣马力诺 | 外交、公务、普通护照 | 1985.07.22 | |
115 | 斯里兰卡 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;斯方外交、官员护照 | 2013.04.18 | |
116 | 斯洛伐克 | 中方外交、公务护照;斯方外交、公务、特别护照 | 1956.06.01 | *2 |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
117 | 斯洛文尼亚 | 外交、公务护照 | 1994.07.01 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
118 | 苏丹 | 中方外交、公务护照;苏方外交、特别、官员护照 | 1995.10.26 | |
119 | 苏里南 | 外交、公务、公务普通、普通护照 | 2021.05.01 | |
120 | 塔吉克斯坦 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通;塔方外交、公务、加注“公务”字样的普通护照 | 1993.06.01 | |
121 | 泰国 | 中方外交、公务护照;泰方外交、官员护照 | 2003.10.18 | |
122 | 坦桑尼亚 | 外交、公务护照 | 2005.07.11 | |
123 | 汤加 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;汤方外交、官员护照 | 2012.11.10 | |
普通护照 | 2016.08.19 | |||
124 | 特立尼达和多巴哥 | 中方外交、公务护照;特方外交、官员护照 | 2006.11.23 | |
125 | 突尼斯 | 中方外交、公务护照;突方外交、特别护照 | 2006.09.29 | |
126 | 土耳其 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;土方外交、公务、特别 护照 | 1989.12.24 | |
127 | 土库曼斯坦 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;土方外交、公务、加注“公务”字样的普通护照;团体旅游 | 1993.02.01 | |
128 | 瓦努阿图 | 中方外交、公务护照;瓦方外交、官员护照 | 2020.04.19 | |
129 | 委内瑞拉 | 外交、公务护照、公务普通护照 | 2014.01.08 | |
130 | 文莱 | 中方外交、公务护照;文方外交、官员护照 | 2005.06.18 | |
131 | 乌克兰 | 外交、公务护照和海员证 | 2002.03.31 | |
132 | 乌拉圭 | 中方常驻乌方使领馆人员所持外交、公务护照,乌方常驻中方使领馆人员所持外交、官员护照 | 1988.11.07 | |
外交护照 | 1994.01.01 | |||
中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;乌方外交、公务护照 | 2017.01.07 | |||
133 | 乌兹别克斯坦 | 外交护照 | 2010.07.09 | |
134 | 西班牙 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
135 | 希腊 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
136 | 新加坡 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 2011.04.17 | |
137 | 匈牙利 | 外交、公务护照 | 1992.05.28 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
138 | 牙买加 | 中方外交、公务护照;牙方外交、官员护照 | 1995.06.08 | |
139 | 亚美尼亚 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;亚方外交、公务、公务普通、加注“公务”字样的普通护照 | 1994.08.03 | |
普通护照 | 2020.01.19 | |||
140 | 意大利 | 外交护照、欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
141 | 伊朗 | 外交、公务护照 | 1989.07.12 | |
142 | 伊拉克 | 外交护照 | 2016.11.02 | |
143 | 以色列 | 外交、公务护照 | 2016.01.17 | |
144 | 印度尼西亚 | 外交、公务护照(限临时访问人员) | 2005.11.14 | |
145 | 英国 | 中方外交护照、公务和公务普通护照(公务和公务普通护照限于随部长级及以上代表团出访者);英方外交护照、官员护照(官员护照限于随部长级及以上代表团出访者) | 2007.10.25 | |
欧盟通行证 | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
146 | 约旦 | 中方外交、公务护照;约方外交、公务、特别护照 | 1993.03.11 | |
147 | 越南 | 外交、公务、公务普通护照 | 1992.03.15 | |
148 | 乍得 | 中方外交、公务、公务普通护照;乍方外交、公务护照 | 2019.11.18 | |
149 | 智利 | 中方外交、公务护照;智方外交、官员护照 | 1986.05.07 |
*1 目前适用中国与前南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国有关协议。
*2 目前适用中国与前捷克斯洛伐克共和国有关协议。
*3 适用《中国与欧盟关于互免持外交护照人员短期停留签证的协定》。
免签入境并不等于可无限期在协定国停留或居住,根据协定要求,持有关护照免签入境后,一般只允许停留不超过30 日。持照人如需停留30 日以上,按要求应尽快在当地申请办理居留手续。
List of Agreements on Mutual Visa Exemption
Between the People’s Republic of China and Foreign Countries
( In alphabetical order of foreign countries )
No. | Foreign Country | Passport Categories Covered by Agreement on Visa Exemption | Date of Entry into Force YYYY.MM.DD | Note |
1. | Afghanistan | Diplomatic passports | 2015.07.16 | |
2. | Albania | Diplomatic,service passports | 1956.08.25 | |
3. | Algeria | Diplomatic;service passports | 2019.03.13 | |
4. | Angola | Diplomatic,service passports | 2015.04.11 | |
5. | Argentina | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Argentine | 1993.08.14 | |
6. | Armenia | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports, passports for public affairs and ordinary passports marked with “For Public Affairs” of Armenia | 1994.08.03 | |
Ordinary passports | 2020.01.19 | |||
7. | Austria | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
8. | Azerbaijan | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs | 1994.02.10 | |
Ordinary passports/international travel documents (when traveling in tour groups organized by authorized travel agencies of both countries) | 1994.05.01 | |||
9. | The Bahamas | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs and ordinary passports of China;diplomatic, official and ordinary passports of the Bahamas | 2014.02.12 | |
10. | Bahrain | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic, special passports of Bahrain | 2018.10.25 | |
11. | Bangladesh | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,official passports and ordinary passports marked with “For Government Affairs” or “Free of Charge” of Bangladesh | 1989.12.18 | |
12. | Barbados | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,official passports of Barbados | 2014.08.02 | |
Ordinary passports | 2017.06.01 | |||
13. | Belarus | Diplomatic, service passports;ordinary passports or international travel documents (when traveling in tour groups organized by authorized travel agencies of both countries) | 1993.03.01 | |
Ordinary passports | 2018.08.10 | |||
14. | Belgium | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
15. | Benin | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports and ordinary passports with “public affairs certificate” attached of Benin | 1993.11.06 | |
16. | Bolivia | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Bolivia | 1987.11.15 | |
Passports for public affairs | 2008.01.18 | |||
17. | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports of Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1980.01.09 | *1 |
2017.10.04 | ||||
Ordinary passports | 2018.05.29 | |||
18. | Botswana | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service and official passports of Botswana | 2018.12.22 | |
19. | Brazil | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Brazil | 2004.08.10 | |
20. | Brunei | Diplomatic, service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Brunei | 2005.06.18 | |
21. | Burkina Faso | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports of Burkina Faso | 2018.11.18 | |
22. | Burundi | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2014.11.25 | |
23. | Bulgaria | Diplomatic,service passports | 2012.04.04 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
24. | Cambodia | Diplomatic,service passports | 2006.09.14 | |
25. | Cameroon | Diplomatic,service passports | 2017.08.12 | |
26. | Cape Verde | Diplomatic,service passports | 2015.07.11 | |
27. | Chile | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Chile | 1986.05.07 | |
28. | Colombia | Diplomatic passports | 1987.11.14 | |
Service passports of China;official passports of Colombia | 1991.11.14 | |||
29. | Comoros | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2016.02.26 | |
30. | Congo, Rep | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2014.08.07 | |
31. | Costa Rica | Diplomatic,service passports | 2008.01.15 | |
32. | Côte d'Ivoire | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2015.12.19 | |
33. | Croatia | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Croatia | 1995.04.09 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
34. | Cuba | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service and official passports of Cuba | 1988.12.23 | |
35. | Cyprus | Diplomatic,service passports | 1991.10.02 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
36. | Czechia | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
37. | Denmark | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
38. | Djibouti | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs | 2014.12.04 | |
39. | Dominica | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,official passports of Dominica | 2014.03.29 | |
40. | D.P.R. Korea | Diplomatic,service passports | 1956.10.01 | |
Passports for public affairs of China;collective passports for public affairs of D.P.R. Korea | 1965.01.01 | |||
41. | Ecuador | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Ecuador | 1987.07.11 | |
Passports for public affairs of China;special passports of Ecuador | 1988.12.25 | |||
Ordinary passports | 2016.08.18 | |||
42. | Egypt | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, special passports of Egypt | 2007.01.27 | |
43. | Equatorial Guinea | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Equatorial Guinea | 2006.01.01 | |
Passports for public affairs of China; special service passports of Equatorial Guinea | 2017.08.06 | |||
44. | Eritrea | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2015.04.15 | |
45. | Estonia | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
46. | Ethiopia | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2015.12.07 | |
47. | Fiji | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs,ordinary passports | 2015.03.14 | |
48. | Finland | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
49. | France | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
50. | Gabon | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2016.02.05 | |
51. | Gambia | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic,official passports of Gambia | 2018.06.10 | |
52. | Georgia | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs;ordinary passports/international travel documents ( when traveling in tour groups organized by authorized travel agencies of both countries) | 1994.02.03 | |
53. | Germany | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
54. | Ghana | Diplomatic, service passports | 2017.03.28 | |
55. | Greece | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
56. | Grenada | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, official passports of Grenada | 2010.01.17 | |
Passports for public affairs,ordinary passports | 2015.06.10 | |||
57. | Guinea | Diplomatic, service passports and passports for public affairs | 2017.09.16 | |
58. | Guyana | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic,official passports of Guyana | 1998.08.19 | |
59. | Hungary | Diplomatic,service passports | 1992.05.28 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
60. | Iceland | Diplomatic passports | 2017.06.01 | |
61. | Indonesia | Diplomatic,service passports (for temporary visits only) | 2005.11.14 | |
62. | Iran | Diplomatic,service passports | 1989.07.12 | |
63. | Iraq | Diplomatic | 2016.11.02 | |
64. | Ireland | Diplomatic passports holders,holders of service passports or passports for public affairs of China accompanying a Minister or above for the purpose of an official visit ;diplomatic passports holders,official passports holders of Ireland accompanying a Minister or above on the purpose of an official visit | 2015.09.23 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | |||
65. | Israel | Diplomatic,service passports | 2016.01.17 | |
66. | Italy | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
67. | Jamaica | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, official passports of Jamaica | 1995.06.08 | |
68. | Jordan | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, service,special passports of Jordan | 1993.03.11 | |
69. | Kazakhstan | Diplomatic,service passports | 1994.02.01 | |
70. | Kenya | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Kenya | 2014.08.17 | |
71. | Kuwait | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,special passports of Kuwait | 2014.10.17 | |
72. | Kyrgyzstan | Diplomatic,service passports | 2003.06.14 | |
73. | Laos | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic,service passports and ordinary passports with effective visas for public affairs of Laos | 1989.11.06 | |
74. | Latvia | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
75. | Lesotho | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, official passports of Lesotho | 2016.08.24 | |
76. | Liberia | Diplomatic passports | 2016.02.10 | |
77. | Lithuania | Diplomatic,service passport,seafarer’s passports (only when entering the contracting country onboard a ship) | 1992.09.14 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
78. | Luxembourg | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
79. | Macedonia | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic, service passports and ordinary passports marked with “For Public Affairs” of Macedonia | 1994.07.19 | |
80. | Malaysia | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Malaysia | 2011.05.18 | |
81. | Maldives | Diplomatic,service passports | 1984.11.27 | |
82. | Mali | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2015.05.09 | |
83. | Malta | Diplomatic,service passports | 2008.03.06 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
84. | Mauritania | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2017.05.15 | |
85. | Mauritius | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs and ordinary passports | 2013.10.31 | |
86. | Mexico | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, official passports of Mexico | 1998.01.01 | |
87. | Moldova | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports and ordinary passports marked with “For Public Affairs” of Moldova;ordinary passports/international travel documents (when traveling in tour groups organized by authorized travel agencies of both countries) | 1993.01.01 | |
88. | Mongolia | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs | 1989.04.30 | |
89. | Montenegro | Diplomatic,service passports | 2013.03.01 | |
90. | Morocco | Diplomatic,service passports | 2014.03.06 | |
Passports for public affairs of China; special passports of Morocco | 2016.06.09 | |||
91. | Mozambique | Diplomatic,service passports | 2016.05.14 | |
92. | Myanmar | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, official passports of Myanmar | 1998.03.05 | |
93. | Nepal | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Nepal | 2006.10.16 | |
94. | Netherlands | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
95. | Niger | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic, service passports of Niger | 2018.12.15 | |
96. | Nigeria | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs | 2014.02.01 | |
97. | Norway | Diplomatic passports | 2018.06.18 | |
98. | Oman | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, service and special passports of Oman | 2010.04.16 | |
99. | Panama | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports of Panama | 2017.10.28 | |
100. | Pakistan | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, official passports of Pakistan | 1987.08.16 | |
Passports for public affairs | 1988.04.30 | |||
101. | Papua New Guinea | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic, service passports of Papua New Guinea | 2019.05.02 | |
102. | Peru | Diplomatic,service passports of China;diplomatic, special passports of Peru | 2004.05.12 | |
103. | Poland | Diplomatic,service passports,seafarer’s passports, crew member certificates | 1992.07.27 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
104. | Portugal | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
105. | Qatar | Diplomatic,service,passports for public affairs and ordinary passports of China;Diplomatic,service, special and ordinary passports of Qatar | 2018.12.21 | |
106. | R.O.Korea | Diplomatic passports | 2013.08.18 | |
Service passports of China;official passports of R.O.Korea | 2014.12.25 | |||
107. | Romania | Diplomatic,service passports | 1981.09.16 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
108. | Russia | Ordinary passports/international travel documents (when traveling in tour groups organized by authorized travel agencies of both countries) | 2000.12.01 | |
Diplomatic and service passports;trainmen/aircrew/ seafarers (travelling with seafarer’s passports) onboard for public affairs | 2014.04.26 | |||
109. | Rwanda | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic, service passports of Rwanda | 2018.12.23 | |
110. | Samoa | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, official passports of Samoa | 2011.02.18 | |
111. | San Marino | Diplomatic,service passports and ordinary passports | 1985.07.22 | |
112. | Sao Tome and Principe | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic, special service passports of Sao Tome and Principe | 2018.02.03 | |
113. | Senegal | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs | 2014.05.03 | |
114. | Serbia | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports and ordinary passports marked with “For Public Affairs” of Serbia | 1980.01.09 | *1 |
Ordinary passport | 2017.01.15 | |||
115. | Seychelles | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs and ordinary passports | 2013.06.26 | |
116. | Slovakia | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, service,special passports of Slovakia | 1956.06.01 | *2 |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
117. | Sierra Leone | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic, service passports of Sierra Leone | 2018.12.24 | |
118. | Singapore | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs | 2011.04.17 | |
119. | Slovenia | Diplomatic,service passports | 1994.07.01 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 | ||
120. | Spain | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
121. | Sri Lanka | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic,official passports of Sri Lanka | 2013.04.18 | |
122. | South Africa | Diplomatic passports | 2010.11.27 | |
Service passports | 2016.03.01 | |||
123. | South Sudan | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic, special passports of South Sudan | 2019.03.28 | |
124. | Sudan | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, special,official passports of Sudan | 1995.10.26 | |
125. | Suriname | Diplomatic,service passports | 2014.05.06 | |
126. | Sweden | Diplomatic passports,EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | *3 |
127. | Switzerland | Diplomatic passports | 2016.01.29 | |
128. | Tajikistan | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic,service passports and ordinary passports marked with “For Public Affairs” of Tajikistan | 1993.06.01 | |
129. | Tanzania | Diplomatic,service passports | 2005.07.11 | |
130. | Timor-Leste | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs | 2015.06.24 | |
131. | Thailand | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, official passports of Thailand | 2003.10.18 | |
132. | Tchad | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;Diplomatic,service passports of Tchad | 2019.11.18 | |
133. | The Philippines | Diplomatic,service passports of China (for temporary visits only);diplomatic,official passports of the Philippines (for temporary visits only) | 2005.02.28 | |
134. | The United Kingdom | Diplomatic passports holders,holders of service passports or passports for public affairs of China accompanying a Minister or above for the purpose of an official visit;diplomatic passports holders,official passports holders of the United Kingdom accompanying a Minister or above on the purpose of an official visit | 2007.10.25 | |
EU laissez-passer | 2017.01.01 | |||
135. | Togo | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2015.05.07 | |
136. | Tonga | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,official passports of Tonga | 2012.11.10 | |
Ordinary passports | 2016.08.19 | |||
137. | Trinidad and Tobago | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, official passports of Trinidad and Tobago | 2006.11.23 | |
138. | Tunisia | Diplomatic,service passports of China; diplomatic, special passports of Tunisia | 2006.09.29 | |
139. | Turkey | Diplomatic, service passports and passports for public affairs of China; diplomatic,service,special passports of Turkey | 1989.12.24 | |
140. | Turkmenistan | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports and ordinary passports marked with “For Public Affairs” of Turkmenistan;ordinary passports/international travel documents (when traveling in tour groups organized by authorized travel agencies of both countries) | 1993.02.01 | |
141. | Ukraine | Diplomatic,service passports,seafarer’s passports | 2002.03.31 | |
142. | United Arab Emirates | Diplomatic passports | 2012.03.21 | |
Service passports,passports for public affairs | 2016.01.11 | |||
Ordinary passports | 2018.01.16 | |||
143. | Uruguay | Diplomatic,service passports held by members of diplomatic or consular missions of China in Uruguay; diplomatic,official passports held by members of diplomatic or consular missions of Uruguay in China | 1988.11.07 | |
Diplomatic passports | 1994.01.01 | |||
Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs of China;diplomatic,service passports of Uruguay | 2017.01.07 | |||
144. | Uzbekistan | Diplomatic passports | 2010.07.09 | |
145. | Venezuela | Diplomatic,service passports,passports for public affairs | 2014.01.08 | |
146. | Vietnam | Diplomatic,service passports and passports for public affairs | 1992.03.15 | |
147. | Vanuatu | Diplomatic,service passports | 2020.04.19 | |
148. | Zimbabwe | Diplomatic,service passports | 2014.11.12 |
*1. The agreement signed between China and the former Yugoslavia is applicable.
*2. The agreement signed between China and the former Czechoslovakia is applicable.
Exemption of visa requirements does not mean permission to stay and reside in the other contracting country for an indefinite period of time. According to the agreements, holders of valid specified passports are permitted to stay for less than 30 days upon entry into the other contracting country. If a passport holder intends to stay for over 30 days, he or she should go through residence formalities with the local authorities according to relevant regulations as soon as possible.